Trunk N Treat Sign Up Form
Thank you for volunteering to be a part of our annual Trunk N Treat event at Holy Cross Lutheran church!

This year, we are asking volunteers to decorate the trunks of their car, and families will Trick or Treat from car to car in our parking lot. You can find LOTS of fun ideas online by searching "Trunk N Treat ideas". Below are a few fun ideas to get your creative juices flowing! You can make it as simple or as elaborate as you'd like.
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Luau, Pumpkins, Monsters!
Spiders, Fall, Rainbow!
Enter your information below if you are willing to decorate your trunk and hand out candy from 6-8 PM on Sunday October 31st.
*Please bring your own candy to hand out.
First & Last Name:
Email Address:
This event is always so much fun. We appreciate your help in making it happen in a new and safe way this year!

Please contact Kelsey with any questions.
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