BetterDemonlist Record Submission
A Record Submission form for all submissions going towards BetterDemonlist.
A Fair Reminder that you should list your native refresh rate AND what you bypass to, if you use FPSBypass.
Your "Nickname" is what you will be identified by on the list.
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Record Submission
Level Name
Level Creator / Publisher
Placement Opinion - Should it be moved up or down? (Leave blank if you think the placement is fine.)
Nickname - What you want to be called on the Leaderboard.
Discord Username / Tag - So we can contact you if there are any issues regarding your submission. (Example: ThatBlueFox#0001)
Device Used
FPS Used for Completion
Link to Video / Raw Footage - If needed. (Upload onto YouTube, Dropbox, Drive, MediaFire, or another external site, and make sure anyone with the link can see)
Any Additional Comment you have to add
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