[For SDEA Members] Gallery of Secrets: The Lost Lily
[Special Promo Price]

Ticket Price: $25 + $1 booking fee (inclusive of GST)

Please register your interest with this google form. Leslie (93888912) from Practice will be in contact for payment arrangement.

After payment, we will be sending the ticket information to your email provided in this form.

DEADLINE: 6 March 2022 (Sun) 2359
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The creative team behind the smash hit The Bride Always Knocks Twice — Killer Secrets is back! Co-presented with the National Gallery Singapore, Gallery of Secrets: The Lost Lily is a thrilling treasure hunt combining theatre, film and gaming.

Watch the action unfold on screen before diving into the story as you interview characters, gather clues and break codes. Available as a physical-digital hybrid or fully digital experience, join the hunt wherever you are in the world!

This historical monument has seen more than you can imagine. What secrets will you uncover?
Date: 4 - 18 April 2022

Time: Various timings (GMT+8)

Venue: Online

Gallery of Secrets: The Lost Lily is a multi-platform treasure hunt. There are three parts:

Chapter 1: The Painting
Chapter 2: The Hunt
Chapter 3: The Treasure

Step 1: Select your date and time for Chapter 1: The Painting.

Step 2: Select your date and time for Chapter 3: The Treasure. Make sure you give yourself ample time in between to complete Chapter 2: The Hunt.

Language: Multilingual experience with performances in English and Mandarin

Closed captions in English and Mandarin will be available for Chapter 1: The Painting and Chapter 3: The Treasure. Limited simultaneous translation (English or Mandarin) will be available for the live performance segments.
For more information about the experience, please visit:
To reserve a special price ticket, please provide the following information:
Name *
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Choice of "Chapter 1: The Painting" Show Dates and Times *
Choice of "Chapter 3: The Treasure" Show Dates and Times
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