RHS Class Configuration and Assignment Policy 2020-2021
This is the time of year where the teachers and I begin to create classes for the following school year based upon our estimated enrollment.  It is a complicated process and one that we take very seriously.
In the past, parents and caregivers have asked to have their child placed in certain teacher’s classrooms, have gone to individual teachers to ask that their child be considered to be in that class, and have asked for classroom assignment changes during registration and at the beginning of the school year.  This past practice is not equitable, nor is it in the spirit of creating a welcoming and caring school community for all.  For this reason, we now have a clear class configuration and assignment policy.  Please see this policy outlined below.
The key ingredient in this process is trust.  Please trust our staff to make the best possible placement with all of the information at our disposal.  If you feel that you have information about your child that we do not know and that will help us to make the best decision for placement. We will keep this information in mind as we create the class assignments.  We truly want for our students an environment that will help them to be successful and achieve.
It is important to keep in mind that children are adaptable and will make friends wherever they are placed.  We do know that parents and caregivers sometimes have preferences for specific teachers, however, RHS will not honor requests for specific teachers.  All of our teachers have gifts and talents and work together collaboratively to meet the needs of all students.  We appreciate your trust and support.

 RHS Class Configuration and Assignment Policy:
1.     Class configuration and assignment will be based on the following factors and be formed through collaboration by teachers and the principal:
Ø  Student learning level
Ø  Study habits
Ø  Student behavior
Ø  Social and emotional needs
Ø  Demographic information
Ø  Information about student from parents/caregivers
2.     Class assignments will be given to parent/caregiver after registration paperwork is complete.
3.     There will be no class changes based upon parent/caregiver requests.  Remember that this process is one in which teachers make extremely informed decisions about class placement, with the best interests of each child at the core.

Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
What is your child's name? *
Who is your child's teacher for the current 19/20 school year? *
What will be your child's grade level in the 2020 / 2021 school year?
Column 1
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Has your child ever been in a split grade level classroom? *
If yes, who was their split class teacher?
Please write below the important information we should know about your child? *
Thank you for sharing. This information will be used to guide class configuration and assignments.
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