Volunteer Form
Exciting things are coming to HSC. We’d like to ask you to consider joining us for the ride!

Are you also excited about homeschooling? Do you value the fact that homeschooling is legal in California and want to protect it? Are you interested in teaming up with other homeschooling parents to ensure our rights continue and spread the word about this amazing educational choice?

HSC offers a chance for you to get involved, make new friends, help others,  gain new skills, and really make a difference.

Increasing diversity in HSC’s team of volunteers and membership is a priority for the newly elected Board. We have volunteer positions available that require only a few hours a week commitment, and volunteers will receive training and be supported by a Board liaison.  
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
City *
Are you an HSC Member? (Volunteers should be members.) *
How long have you been homeschooling? *
Please select the volunteer roles that interest you and how they rank by choice (1st thru 3rd)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
800 Phone Committee
Advertising Committee
Camp-Out Committee
Conference Committee
County Contact Committee
Fundraising Committee
Legislative Committee
Membership Committee
Outreach Committee
Publication Committee
Social Media Committee
Teen Adviser Committee
Volunteer Committee
PR Committee
What skills or experience do you have that might be applicable so we can make sure to connect you with something that's a good fit? *
We are always seeking membership feedback. Do you have any Volunteer or Membership related Questions, Comments or Concerns about Homeschooling or HSC? *
Thank you for your interest in Volunteering with HSC. Our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch very soon to arrange a phone call to get to know you!
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