mtaeyc Board Nomination 

mtaeyc Board of Directors Member Nomination

Mtaeyc  is currently seeking nomination for positions on the Executive Board of Directors. With a statewide service directive, mtaeyc is dedicated to building a transparent, data-driven, equity-focused, and sustainable organization. We will evaluate applicants with a lens that reflects these goals with consideration of geography and the diverse experiences, provider roles, and responsibilities that exist within the early childhood profession. 

The positions on the Executive Board are selected from current membership of mtaeyc. Membership in good standing at the time of application is required for a position on the mtaeyc Board of Directors. Nominations without a current membership will be excluded.

* Please note that application materials may be made available for public review during the member slate election process in October. *

mtaeyc MISSION

mtaeyc’s mission is to promote a community of professionals advocating for quality care and education of young children through collaboration.

mtaeyc GOALS

Mtaeyc’s goals are:  To improve early care and education through advocacy.  

         To promote, provide and support professional development for early childhood professionals.

        To provide and promote leadership in early care and education.

mtaeyc Board: The mtaeyc Board is comprised of 4 officers; President, Vice President/Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer, and Past President (when applies) along with seven individuals representing various stakeholder perspectives of early childhood across Montana. The responsibilities of the Board is to provide oversight and governance for the organization, provide strategic directions to fulfill the vision and mission of the organization and provide supervision, evaluation, and direction to the Executive Director. Board terms are two years.      

Board Member Commitments

Maintain annual NAEYC/mtaeyc membership.

Share your biography and picture for our website.

Join at least one committee.  Be active participant and attend at least one meeting.

Attendance is expected. Attend 75% of published board meetings, as well as attend and help with the annual conference. 

Nomination applications are due August 31, 2024. 

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Nominee’s Name: *
Governing Board Position you are nominating the above for (please check)
Nominee’s Organization/Employer 
Nominee’s Title
Nominee’s Street Address
Nominee’s City/State/Zip
Nominee’s Telephone
Nominee’s E-mail Address

If you are not the nominee, please complete this portion: 

Your Name 

Your Telephone #  

Your E-mail Address

How does the nominee demonstrate an awareness of children’s issues and their interests?
How does the nominee demonstrate advocacy and leadership?
How is the nominee involved in their community?
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