Well Incorporated: Application Questions for Mentees
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First and Last Name: *
Pronouns: *
For example: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, he/him/his, etc.
Email: *
Phone Number: *
1. The Well Incorporated program is designed to empower you to explore the relationship between your Jewish identity and your professional identity. Whatever that looks like for you, we want to hear all about it! What are your connections to the Jewish community? How do you "do Jewish" in your current life? *
2. Describe in detail what you currently do for work. What are the elements of your work that bring you the most satisfaction? *
3. We don’t need to tell you that work can be exhausting and all-consuming, no matter what your job may be. How do you establish those boundaries to disconnect from work and unwind at the end of the day? What does a typical day look like for you between getting off of work and going to bed? *
4. Our values guide our interactions in each of our life domains: personal, professional, spiritual, social, maybe marital or parental – and there is always a lot of overlap, which this program will examine. So to start, please share your (A) top 1-2 Jewish values, and (B) the top 1-2 things that you value in your workplace. *
5. With all that’s going on in the world, it feels like there’s a never-ending supply of large scale problems and issues to tackle. Trying to fix all of them at once is a quick recipe for burnout. Is there one specific cause that you feel particularly called to address? *
6. A component of the Well Incorporated program is coaching and mentorship. The Well will be providing funds to help subsidize different coaching opportunities for you throughout the program. Have you ever had a coach or mentor before? If so, what was that experience like? If not, what are you most excited to get out of the coaching and mentorship? *
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