Player questionnaire 
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Your name and discord handle *
What's your age?
Tell me a bit about yourself. *
What is your experience with ttrpg? Can you tell me about your DMing experience, a bit about your player experience, how much experience do you have in each role. *
What type of player are you, and whats your play style. *
How experienced are you with 5e?  *
On a scale of 1-10, what's your preference for roleplay ? *
On a scale of 1-10, what's your preference for combat ?
What characters would you like to play? They can be vague ideas, or just class and race. *
We play 3 weeks a month on Sunday 12PM MST, with the last Sunday being open for other people in the party doing oneshots or other activities. Will you be able to commit to this schedule for at least the next two years? *
Have you read the Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman? *
Not all the races and spells from 5e are allowed in the game, are you okay with that? *
I made heavy homebrew modifications to the ruleset including buffs to the martial classes, are you okay with that? *
This campaign has a darker tone and will sometimes be presented with elements of racism, genocide, slavery etc, are you okay with that? *
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