Your thoughts on “quiet quitting”
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In your current role, are you: (choose best answer) *
Do you think “quiet quitting” is a real thing / an actual trend? *
If so, does it feel new / recent? *
How is “quiet quitting” showing up in your work? (Select any that apply.) *
If you are observing “quiet quitting” by others, what does it look like? Please describe it in your own words. 
Why do you think they’re are doing what you describe?
If you are “quiet quitting” yourself, what does it look like? Please describe it in your own words. 
Why do you think you are doing what you describe?
What steps, if any, have you taken to address “quiet quitting”? (Select any that apply.) *
What do you wish people understood about “quiet quitting”? *
Email (optional) - All contributions will be anonymous, but if you are open to follow-up questions based on what you’ve shared here, please share the best email to reach you.
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