Thank you for your inquiry in Chapter Harmony's #TheFeels. This part of our platform will highlight extraordinary love from your everyday couples. We can't wait to learn more about you and your partner.

Kindly fill out the form below.
Your story will be featured on our website and social media.

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What's your name? *
What's your partner's name? *
When did you meet? *
 Where and how did you meet? *
Whats your favorite thing about you partner? *
What's your partner's favorite thing about you? *
How would you define your extraordinary love? (This could be a word, a quote, a story, whatever you feel defines your love) *
Please list a song, movie, or anything symbolic to your relationship. *
Please include your social media handles so we can tag you/you both. *
Whats your email address? *
Please submit 3-5 photos via email or social media - info@chapterharmony.com! Thank you.
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