As feedback from my first quiz: https://forms.gle/voshwjHJb7gP3VAx7 

Someone pointed out I should not cross over genres since it turns out my taste is obsecure, so taking the feedback from the first one... *drumroll*

I decided to do BL since it's the most popular genre here. I have made a new and improved quiz!! Note: this is only the second one I've ever made, so it won't be that good either lol.

I've tried to make this easier so :D hope you enjoy!!

If you have any problems, questions, etc. you can mail me here:
Apologies in advance if I have any facts wrong ~

I have provided the sauce to ALL of the manhwa here, make sure you check score at the end to see it all. Also, just because I include the manhwa in here, doesn't mean I necessarily like it *cough* rape manhwas *cough*
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Which of the following are NOT omegaverse?
1 point
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Where is this character from?
1 point
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Which character said "We're in a B-Grade cheap romance novel. It's obvious where the story is going... but I can't stop turning the pages"?
1 point
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Which of the following does NOT have an animated adaptation?
1 point
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Yaoi or Shounen ai?
1 point
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Yaoi or Shounen ai?
1 point
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Yaoi or Shounen ai?
1 point
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Yaoi or Shounen ai?
1 point
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Which manhwa does this describe the plot of: MC's girlfriend breaks up with him for a famous celebrity when he came back from Australia. But then the celeb and him switch bodies!! Thus, a BL love story starts.
1 point
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Which of these end in a character killing themselves?
1 point
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Which character is named Shin Jaehyun?
1 point
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What's the name of this manhwa?
1 point
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What's the name of this manhwa?
1 point
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Which of the following characters are NOT from a BL story?
1 point
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In the manhwa "your wish is my command" which of the following happened (you can check multiple boxes)?
2 points
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From Hate Mate manhwa, who does Subin end up with?
1 point
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Which BL author's artstyle is this?
1 point
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Where is this character from?
1 point
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Second time making a quiz! Rate this please ;)
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What genre would you like the next quiz to be (If I decide to make one)? You can choose multiple (manhwa: Miss-Not-So-Sidekick)
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Any suggestions or just comments in general you want to add? (manhwa: Miss-Not-So-Sidekick)
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