49th Trends in Ophthalmology (2024) feedback
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7th March: Session I: Medical Eye Unit cases
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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7th March:  Session II: Trends in Paediatric Ophthalmology
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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7th March:  Session III: Trends in Anterior Segment
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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7th March:  Session IV: Trends in  Strabismus Management
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Michael Sanders Lecture - Prof. Omar Mahroo

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8th March:  Session I: Trends in  Medical Retina
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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8th March:  Session II: Trends in  Cataract Surgery 
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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8th March:  Kitty Heatley Memorial Lecture - Mr Dun Jack Fu 
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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8th March:  Session III: Cases of the Year
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Venue and facilities  
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Value for money:
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Registration Desk:
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Speakers Dinner:
Scoring:  1 = Poor;  2 = Fair;  3 = Good;  4 = Very Good;  5 = Excellent
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Any additional comments or suggestions?
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