Docked pay for J22 strike
This form is to provide CFA-LA with important data about your participation in protected union activity, specifically, your participation in the statewide strike on January 22, 2024. Identifiable information will be kept confidential. If necessary, we will seek your consent before disclosing any identifiable details. 
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First name *
Last name *
Email (non-CSU/edu) *
Classification *
Were you scheduled to work on Monday, 1/22/2024 (whether instruction, service meetings, etc.)?  *
Do you receive any reassigned time? 
Were you on leave status (medical, personal, parental,  professional, sabbatical, etc.)? If so, please identify what type of leave you were on during the 1/22/2024 strike?
Are you paid by: *
Did you participate in the strike on 1/22/2024? *
Was your pay docked? 

Please check your pay stub, or your pay portal on Cal Connect:
If so, how much were you docked? Please enter the total amount, which can be found on your pay stub, and can be accessed via Cal Connect:
Did you work on 1/22/2024 after the strike was called off?  *
Are you interested in applying to the Solidarity Fund? 

Please make sure to complete the form if you are interested in utilizing the fund: 
Did you receive an email dated 2/01/2024 from AVP Elizabeth Heise that identified as participating in the strike? *
If you did not receive an email on 2/01/2024, were you contacted about your participation in the strike on 1/22/2024 by any administrator (Dean, HR, AVP, etc.)?
If so, who contacted you? 
Are you interested in filing a grievance against the University for retaliation, targeting and surveillance due to your participation in a protected union activity? *
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