Food Allergy Allies Partnership
Hi! We are looking for established food pantries that are interested in providing food allergy and celiac friendly food options to their clients. Please fill out this form so that we can see if your organization is a good fit for us. We select our partners based on the following criteria:

1. Must be a nonprofit organization (preferably a client choice food pantry)
2. Must be close in location to us
3. Must serve a number of clients with dietary restrictions

Visit or email for any questions.
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Email *
Your name: *
Phone number: *
What is the name of the organization you represent? *
Organization website: *
Please copy and paste a URL to your organization's website
What is your position at the organization you represent? *
Address of organization: *
Which of the following best describes your organization? *
Check off all boxes that apply to your organization
How many of your clients have dietary restrictions (food allergies, food intolerances, or celiac disease)? *
What dietary restrictions are most common among your clients? *
Check off all that apply
What demographic does your organization serve most? *
Check off all boxes that best apply to your organization
Comments, questions, and extra information:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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