ACT & MFPS 2024 Zoom Sign up
Please complete the following form to receive codes for remote access via Zoom. 
Once you are given the codes, you can share them with trusted people but please don't post publicly (e.g. on mirrored Zulip channels).
If you use an institutional email (, .edu etc) that will make it easier for us to verify identities. 

During the meeting please login with your real name and ensure you are muted. 

Please note that while we're doing our best to get a Zoom connection, we only have a small budget and limited technical expertise on hand, so we are not guaranteeing anything. 

If you are completing this form during the conference, please email an organizer to notify them if you are urgently waiting. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Affiliation *
Write down your website url so we can check it is you.
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