Year End Bio Survey 2018
Please answer questions to the best of your ability
Full Name *
Grade Level *
Favorite unit studied in Biology? *
Least favorite unit studied in Biology? *
Which class activity was most memorable during? *
What was your most favorite activity conducted in this course? *
What was your least favorite activity conducted in this course? *
Rate the difficulty level of this course *
Very Easy
Very Difficult
Briefly explain your rating. *
Rate your effort while enrolled in this course *
No Effort
A lot of Effort
Briefly explain your rating. *
Rate your level of overall experience within Ms.Brawley's classroom *
Not good
Briefly explain your rating *
How important do you think the topics in this course are to your education? *
Not important
Very Important
Would you be interested in taking an AP Environmental Studies course if one was offered at SRHS? *
Do you have any advice or comments for Ms.Brawley? *
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