Clackamas County Law Library Appointment Request Form
After you submit this form, a Clackamas County Law Library staff member will respond to you by email within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within that time period, please call 503-655-8248 and leave a message.

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Name *
Email *
County and State of your home residence
Day Preferred
Time Preferred
Between 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Type of Appointment Preferred
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Area(s) of law (if known)
Please describe the assistance or services being sought.
If you have a legal research assistance request, please describe the legal issue(s) to the best of your ability.
Please describe the steps you have taken, so far, if any.
After you submit, this form will be directed to a Law Librarian, who will respond to the email and/or phone number you have provided. Thank You!
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