Art Ignition Writers Application Form
Here's How To Make Your Application More Successful

1. Put Some Effort Into Your Application
Fewer than 80% of applicants pass our first review. The unsuccessful candidates don’t put much effort into their application, or they don’t answer the questions clearly.

2. Show Off
We receive a lot of applications. This form is intentionally set up to give the best applicants a chance to stand out. Show us why we should consider you over everyone else.

3. Don't Go Off Topic
Every question in this form is there for a reason. Please give as relevant answers as possible.

4. Don’t Delay
If you delay submitting your application, someone else will be hired before you
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E-mail *
Name *
What's your nationality? *
What is the country and timezone where you are currently based? *
What kind of experience do you have with oil painting?  Can you give me some examples of work (written or otherwise) you’ve done in this capacity? *
Why do you want to work with us? (~75 words) *
What's your cost per word? (in USD please) *
Please provide links to specific pieces you have written in the art niche. Ideally 3-5 pieces. Please do not send just a link to your website/portfolio. *
Do you have art to show off? If so, please link to any art portfolio, Instagram, Artstation, DeviantArt profiles etc that you have. (Not required, but HIGHLY recommended if you have one) *
How did you hear about this job position? eg. A specific job board (please say which one), A Facebook group (please name which one), A specific person (please say who) etc. *
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