Media Literacy Collaborative Interest Survey 23-24
We are accepting invitations for K-12 teachers to apply for our Teacher Research Group for Winter/Spring 2024. Educators who participate will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of media literacy, develop and implement lessons aligned to your classroom content, and collaborate with a group of like-minded colleagues. Each teacher will receive a stipend of $400 and Continuing Education Units for participation and implementation. Last day to apply is December 17.
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Are you interested in forming a TEACHER RESEARCH GROUP? This group would  1) provide structure for classroom inquiries, 2) provide space to "workshop" and plan methods teachers want to test, and 3) collect data on student performance and progress to help solve the issues you see as important in your classrooms. *
Are you interested in ATTENDING REGULAR MEETINGS? In these meetings we would 1) share struggles and successes informally and 2) engage in stimulating conversation about issues of media literacy and teaching. *
Have you attended any workshops on media literacy in the past?
If yes, please list below the organization(s) that hosted or produced those workshops.
Your name *
Your e-mail *
School *
District *
What grade level(s) do you work with?
What subject matter do you primarily work with?
What draws you to this work, collaborating with colleagues to implement media literacy in the classroom?
Optional: Is there anything else you would like to share regarding your interest?
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