Napa Valley College Transfer Stories 
Every year the Transfer Center celebrates our NVC students that are moving on to a 4-year school.  We are excited to share your inspirational story with the NVC community.  If this is your year to fill out applications and get ready to transfer to a 4-year school, we want to hear from you.  Please fill out the form below and you just might see your story on our website and/or social media!
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What is your name?  *
What is your NVC student ID number? (7 digits) *
What is your email address? (Best contact) *
When are you planning on transferring? *
What college or university will you be attending? (ok if you are unsure, just email us when you know) *
Photo/News/Advertising Release for Individuals and Groups.  I give permission for Napa Valley College to use my photograph and information about me in newsletters, newspaper supplements, advertising, article, college website or other media form to promote education at Napa Valley College. I understand this use will be without compensation. In addition, I hold the college and the district harmless for any unintentional misuse or misrepresentation of my photograph as a part of the above- mentioned activities. If you select no, then we cannot post your transfer story. *
Are you interested in us contacting you in the future to share your story? Please review a previous Transfer Stories Newsletter. *
Show us your transfer pride!  To share your story, please email a photo of yourself to  You may wear clothing from your transfer school, hold up a sign with the name of your transfer school or hold a pennant from your transfer school in the photo.  

Or you can stop by one of our selfie stations (transfer center or athletics office) to snap your photo!

Congratulations!  Check out our website for more information.
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