Simon Balle All-through School - Biometric Consent
Please complete this form to let us know if you consent to the school taking and using information from your child’s fingerprint by Simon Balle School as part of an automated biometric recognition system. This biometric information will be used by Simon Balle School for the purpose of paying for food in the canteen and monitoring attendance in the sixth form.

Any child for whom consent is not given will be provided with a 5-digit PIN instead of biometric registration. Please do discuss this with your child/ children.

In signing this form, you are authorising the school to use your child’s biometric information for this purpose until he/she either leaves the school or ceases to use the system. If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, this must be done so in writing and sent to the school at the following address:

Simon Balle All-through School, Mangrove Road, Hertford, SG13 8AJ

Once your child ceases to use the biometric recognition system, his/her biometric information will be securely deleted by the school.

Information on the biometric system can be found on the school website here:

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