#ThisisMYbeauty Campaign Registration Form
Thank you for applying to the #ThisisMYbeauty Photography Campaign. This is an opportunity to support your story and experiences, as well as unite others' stories and experience to create our masterpiece of beauty.

#ThisisMYbeauty is a photoshoot event that is different from any other photoshoot! Often, society has taught us to get in front of the camera and "look our best", when truly, we look the best in our most authentic, and beautiful selves. #ThisisMYbeauty creates a heartwarming, transparent, and empowering environment that allows women the opportunity to express, celebrate, and reflect on what makes them beautiful and accentuate that within the picture in their own unique way. With the continuous masks and roles that women must consistently endure at home, work, or socially, #ThisisMYbeauty allows women the permission to step into a space where they can identify who they truly are, and be celebrated and energized to continue in this trueness. Whether it is your art, your family, your smile, your strength, basketball, writing, or other attributes, I am here to connect you to your authentic beauty!

The celebration-filled and naturally-bonding culture of #ThisisMYbeauty leads women to step out of their own shells to empower one another, as well as receiving empowerment! It is truly a pivotal and fulfilling moment when a beauty comes alive in their rawest moment and feels secure in how beautiful they truly were all along, just as they are. Women leave feeling liberated, celebrated, and empowered in ways they never imagined. Most importantly, #ThisisMYbeauty creates a bond that is everlasting. Those who did not know each other are still friends today and are rooting each other on, even away from the camera. I seek to bring this to different venues and conferences to allow diverse women to experience the euphoria of celebrating their beauty.
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#ThisisMYbeauty Trailer - 2019
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Why would you like to participate in the #ThisisMYbeauty Campaign?
What story/message would you like your picture to capture? In other words, what is your beauty?
Outstanding questions about the #ThisisMYbeauty Campaign or RAW Honey Wellness and Coaching?
Permission of Photo Release for Public Use: As this campaign will be shared on social media and the website (www.rawhoneypf.com), permission must be granted to use your photos and stories on a public platform. Please certify your permission of release by providing a checkmark on the line(s) that qualify for your acceptance. Please note that the release is optional, and denial of release does not deny participation in the campaign. *
Please provide your initials stating that you understand and agree to the above permission of photo release for public use. *
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