NEW Family Enrollment for Religious Education 2021-22
Please fill out this form if you are a family at First Parish that attends Sunday Worship, programs or other church events and you have babies, children, and/or youth in your household. After you fill out this form once- that's it! In the future you will be contacted annually to see if there are any updates to contact info, allergies, special needs, etc.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Family Name(s) *
please list adults in your household
Mailing Address *
Email *
Please share the best emails for adults in your household that you wish to use for communications about RE programming, as well as an email address for your youth (if they have one)
Phone Numbers *
Please share best phone numbers for adults in your household. Please indicate if # is a landline or cell, and if a cell phone, if text is OK. Please also list youth cell phone number(s), and if text is OK (if they have a cell phone).
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