Poor Souls Pilgrimage - Nov 5th, 2022

November is the month of the poor souls in purgatory. The Church offers a plenary indulgence to the faithful who visit a cemetery or burial crypt to pray for the dead between November 1st and November 8th.

Join us for an NYC pilgrimage to the parish of Most Holy Redeemer on the Lower East Side of Manhattan where 85 Redemptorist priests and brothers are buried on church grounds.

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

12:00pm: Traditional Latin Mass (Sung)

1:15pm: Rosary & Fatima Devotions

2:00pm: Prayers for the Dead in Burial Crypt

3:00pm: Social Gathering

4:15pm: Holy Hour & Confessions

Pilgrimage Site

Most Holy Redeemer Parish

173 East 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Please RSVP by November 3rd so we can plan for the post-pilgrimage social. 

Lastly, kindly consider donating $5-$10 to help us defray costs.

"The Souls in Purgatory need help so desperately, since they cannot help themselves" - St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor Zelantissimus
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