ALA Outstanding Literacy Teacher 2023
Each local council may nominate one Outstanding Literacy Teacher. Nominated teachers will be honored during the ALA Fall Conference on October 3, 2023. Nominations must be received by September 1, 2023.
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Local Council making the nomination
Local Council officer submitting the nomination
Name of the nominated Outstanding Literacy Teacher
School and School District of the nominated Outstanding Literacy Teacher
Address of the nominated teacher's school
Phone number of the nominated teacher
Describe the nominated teacher's educational preparation (college degrees, NBCT, any special training or certificates, etc.)

SUMMARY STATEMENT: Include a 35 sentence statement explaining why this person was selected as the local council’s Outstanding Literacy Teacher.


TEACHING PRACTICES: Summarize the practices implemented by this individual in the classroom or place of work. 


COMMUNITY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Summarize this individual’s contributions to the community and to the profession.
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