Dubbo - NSW Freedom Keepers Community Group
Welcome to the NSW Freedom Keepers local community group. This is intended to be a safe space for like-minded people in the medical freedom movement to meet, gain support and take empowered action.

Our private community groups are held on Telegram, which is a free app to download on your mobile or desktop.

Please familiarise yourself with Freedom Keepers United Vision, Mission, Core Values and Community Guidelines and then complete the form to apply.

Your volunteer Community Leader for your local community group will do their best to respond in a timely manner.

We look forward to connecting with you!

NSW Freedom Keepers

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Number - group is on an app called Telegram *
Suburb *
Postcode *
Please share your social media pages: Eg instagram - @nsw_freedom_keepers *
Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join our local community group... *
I agree I have read and understood all the information provided here, and will work in accordance with and honour the Freedom Keepers United Mission, Vision & Core Values. Any conversations and information I am privy to will remain confidential. I am committed to using my voice and treating others with kindness, respect and integrity. If I come across any issues in the group I will reach out to the admin team for support and assistance as soon as possible. *
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