Survey: Safety Toe Work Boots
Thank you for helping us out with this survey! Your feedback has introduced new ideas and changed the direction of our business many times.
E-mail *
Name *
Are you a returning customer? *
What type of occupation, job sites, or hobbies do you want these for? *
1) Boot Style
Work boots come in many different styles now. Let's say they all have the same barefoot comfort and work boot safety features, and it just comes down to a question of style. Which styles would you buy?
Would you buy Classic Style? *
Képaláírás nélküli kép
Would you buy Hiker Style? *
Képaláírás nélküli kép
Would you buy Military Style? *
Képaláírás nélküli kép
Would you buy Sneaker Style? *
Képaláírás nélküli kép
(Optional) You can share the reasons behind your style choices here.
2) Features
In my research of work boots, I've come across so many different features. No single boot can be everything to everyone, but we want to make what you want.
What Safety Toe Material would you buy? *
1- Definitely No
2 - Most Likely No
3 - Probably No
4 - Completely Undecided
5 - Probably Yes
6 - Most Likely Yes
7 - Definitely Yes
(Optional) Why did you choose the Safety Toe Materials that you did?
What Height of boot would you buy? *
1- Definitely No
2 - Most Likely No
3 - Probably No
4 - Completely Undecided
5 - Probably Yes
6 - Most Likely Yes
7 - Definitely Yes
(Optional) Why did you choose the Heights that you did?
Rate the Importance of these Features *
1- Required
2 - Nice to have
3 - No opinion
4 - Prefer not
5 - Do NOT want
Side Zippers (for quick on & off)
Insulation against Heat
Insulation against Cold
Metatarsal Guard
Electrical Hazard
Cut-Resistant Upper
Outsole Resistance to Hot Contact
Fuel-Oil Resistant Outsole
(Optional) Is there a feature you want, that we left out? Tell us about it.
3) The boots you're wearing now
We'd like to understand what exists and what's missing in your world of safety
What brand and model boots are you wearing now? *
How happy are you with them? *
Extremely Unhappy
Extremely Happy
Why? *
Anything else you'd like to ask or tell us?
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