MASL New Team Interest Form
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Email *
What is the name of your new team? *
What is your First Name? *
What is your Last Name? *
Do you have a full (or mostly full squad - league requires a minimum of 20 per season) ready to go? *
As MASL is a promotion/relegation league, new teams typically start at the bottom of the league at first and work their way up from there.  The exception is with new teams who have a history of either high level players (ex. entire team recently graduated playing college soccer) OR the team has recently placed high in recognized tournaments/other leagues.  

Do you wish to apply for the exception or do you wish to enter in the lowest division?

(exceptions are not automatically granted, but rather reviewed by the league)
Which league are you currently wanting to play in?  (currently only one choice, but league is always looking to grow) *
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