The Change Closet
A collaborative effort with CTCT, The H.O.P.E Initiative 502 and The Sweet Mental Escape to provide new and freshly laundered like-new clothing to anyone in the West End that is in need. If you are in need of clothing please fill out the form below. If you know someone in need of clothing who cannot access this form, please fill it out for them.

Requests will be fulfilled based on our current inventory. Alvana from The Sweet Mental Escape is your point of contact for The Change Closet deliveries. Deliveries will be made twice a month, via text-arranged porch drop off.

If you would like to donate your brand new or freshly laundered, like-new clothing to The Change Closet please bring donations to Kassidy or Alyssa from The H.O.P.E Initiative 502 at 2803 South Floyd Street Suite 2A on TUESDAYS from .

*The office is located directly across from the University of Louisville football stadium, inside a stunted alley-way between the art center and the barbershop. There is a grass wall, branded banner and food pantry for reference.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Name *
Delivery Address *
Zip Code *
Text-friendly cell number *
Size *
To remain inclusive of all peoples, please describe the type of clothing you are searching for, being descriptive as possible. For example, "I am searching for form-fitting tank tops and loose fitting sweat pants." *
If you are in need of clothing for additional individuals please list their sizes and needs below.
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini Taylor Ryan. Informa d'un ús abusiu