Phid House Application 2024-2025
For current Michigan Law Students: the Application will close on SUNDAY, MARCH 31st. Please make sure your contact information is correct–we may need to reach out to you by phone for additional information and/or to offer you a space, so it is important that we are able to get in touch with you. (If you are going to be out of the country, please let us know.) 

For incoming students: The application is due WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th at 5pm. Please make sure your contact information is correct–we may need to reach out to you by phone for additional information and/or to offer you a space, so it is important that we are able to get in touch with you. (If you are going to be out of the country, please let us know.)
Decisions will be made by MONDAY, APRIL 22nd. If you are offered a spot in the house, you will be given TWO (2) DAYS to make your decision and a strict deadline of ONE (1) WEEK will be put in place for receipt of the deposit if you accept our offer. This is to be fair to alternates who may be waiting on a decision from us.  If you have any questions regarding the application please do not hesitate to reach out!
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Name: *
What are some identities important to you?
What did you do before law school?
What do you want to do after law school? (optional) 
Have you decided on attending Michigan? *
Number where you can be reached from now until potential move-in date: *
Star sign(s) and/or 40 time (optional):
How did you hear about Phid?
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Essay Questions:
Please limit each individual answer to 250 words or less.
Tell us about yourself. What’s interesting about you? What do you like to do? Do you have any favorite movies, musical artists, sports teams, etc.? Tell us anything that might help us get to know you better.
Why do you want to live in the Phid House?
What are you looking for from a communal living community? Do you have experience living in an intentional community? What would you contribute?
Living in Phid comes with a built-in community of friends, but it also means choosing to be an active member of that community. Are you willing to fully participate in all aspects of living in a communal house, including both the fun (House dinners, movie nights, game nights, bonfires, and Phid Party) and the day-to-day tasks necessary to keep the house running (chores and cleaning up after yourself)? What do you think will be the most challenging part of living in a communal space for you?
Do you have any special skills or hobbies? For example, are you a computer genius, a culinary expert, classical pianist, video game prodigy, or a master of DIY projects?
Do you have any pets that you'd be bringing with you?
Scenario Question: You are a second semester 1L at Phid who has just been elected House Manager. One of the primary responsibilities of the House Manager is to make sure that all residents complete their weekly chore in a timely manner. One of the 3Ls in the house is one semester away from graduating and totally checked out of “this whole law school thing.” He used to be one of the most diligent cleaners in the house, but he has skipped his weekly chore three weeks in a row now. You bring the issue up with him, and he completes the chore on the fourth week, but does the bare minimum (a terrible job) while shouting “I’m just here so I won’t get fined!” (there is a monetary fine for missing chores, but you almost never implement it). You know that he’s in the wrong, but he’s been in the house for three years and you’ve barely been there a semester. You’re worried that if his behavior doesn’t stop, he may negatively shift the culture of the house. How do you address the issue? Is there a previous comparable experience that you’ve handled in the past?
Bonus #1: We throw one big party and a House Dinner each semester. Pick our next theme for either of these events (past themes have included The Phast and the Phurious, My Phirst Rodeo, Space Phorce, and Studio Phifty-Phour).
Bonus #2: Here’s the situation: It’s starting to get cold out. The squirrels are trying to bulk up for the winter. You leave open the bathroom window and one gets in and rips apart everything in sight. When you send an email out to the house to explain the situation. What reaction image or .GIF do you include?
What TikTok/Vine represents your vibe?
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