MetalBear CFP program

We appreciate your interest in talking about mirrord.

Please Note:

Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance of the conference to mirrord's target audience.
  • Strength and clarity of the session proposal.
  • Applicant's expertise and experience with mirrord.
  • Potential impact of the session in promoting mirrord.

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Full Name *
First and last name
Email: *


(Company, university, etc.)
How are you involved with mirrord? *
(User, contributor, developer, engineer)

Conference Name and Location:

Conference Dates:
Session Title:
Session Abstract:
 (Briefly describe what your talk is all about and the target audience)
Session Format:
(e.g., Talk, Panel Discussion, Workshop)
Estimated Session Length:
Anticipated Costs:
 (Registration fees, travel expenses, etc.)

Links to your relevant online profiles or previous speaking engagements:

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