Auditions Workshop: NOUGHTS & CROSSES

Auditions for Noughts & Crosses adapted from Malorie Blackman’s novel by Dominic Cooke for the RSC

Join us in this unique, exciting and challenging production in collaboration with Utopia Theatre.

“I wanted to turn society as we know it on its head, with new names for the major divisions i.e. Noughts (the underclass) and Crosses (the majority,ruling society).” Malorie Blackman

With echoes of Romeo and Juliet Noughts & Crosses is an electrifying bittersweet love story set in a society divided by racial bigotry and a world rocked by terrorism. Sephy (a Cross) is the daughter of the deputy Prime Minister. Callum (a Nought) is the son of a Nought agitator. United by a shared sense of injustice and separated by intolerance their desire to be together begins to eclipse family loyalty, sparking a political crisis of unimaginable proportions. The story is told in two acts across twenty- nine short scenes. Each scene flows into the next with no blackouts and minimal props and clutter.

Characters In the main actors will be asked to play multiple roles as in the first performance of this adaptation.

Crosses (Played by black actors)

  • Jack (A Prison Guard)/Mr Pingule (A barrister)/Executioner/Man in Café M
  • Dionne (A School Girl)/Journalist/Juno Aylette (Kamal’s PR) F
  • Kelani Adams (A barrister) /Prison Governor/Lola (A schoolgirl) F
  • Kamal Hadley (Sephy’s Father)/Mr Corsa (Head of Heathcroft High School) M
  • Minerva Hadley (Sephy’s Sister) F
  • Jasmine Hadley (Sephy’s Mother) F
  • Reporter/Policeman/Mr Stanhope M
  • Sephy Hadley F

Noughts (Played by White Actors)

  • Peter (A member of the Liberation Militia )/Protester M
  • Meggie McGregor (Callum’s Mother) F
  • Lynette McGregor (Callum’s Sister)/Leila (A member of the Liberation Militia) F
  • Colin (A Schoolboy)/Morgan (A member of the Liberation Militia) M
  • Callum McGregor M
  • Ryan McGregor (Callum’s Father) M
  • Jude McGregor (Callum’s brother) M
  • Sarah Pike (The Hadley’s Secretary)/Shania (A Schoolgirl) F
The above roles will also include some ensemble work as members of a crowd etc

Crew Director: Nigel Turner Assistant Director: TBC from Utopia Theatre Producer: Nick Tait For Utopia Theatre: Ese Ighorae

We are looking for the roles of Stage Manager and assistant Stage Manager from either The Lantern or Utopia Theatre.

Performance dates:
15 - 21 June 2025

Rehearsal schedule: 
  • Read Through  Wednesday 16 April 6-8 PM | Utopia Theatre (TBC)
  • Tuesday 7-10 PM | The Lantern, Kenwood Park Road
  • Wednesday 6-8 PM | Utopia Theatre, Utopia Theatre, 11 Rockingham Gate,  TBC
  • Thursday 7-10 PM | The Lantern, Kenwood Park Road.
  • Sunday, 1 - 4 PM | The Lantern, Kenwood Park Road

Please note: the midweek rehearsals will only make use of either the Tuesday slot or the Thursday slot along side the Wednesday slot at Utopia Theatre. You will not be required to attend three evenings in any one week.

Rehearsal structure will be organised around directors and actors' availability across those days. As we reach the production week, you will likely be called in for additional rehearsals (i.e. technical, dress and extra run throughs). 

Performance location:
Performances will be at The Lantern, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield, S7 1NF.

Audition and rehearsal location:
Rehearsals and auditions will take place at the Lantern Theatre and Utopia Theatre as detailed in this form.

The Lantern, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield, S7 1NF and Utopia Theatre, 11 Rockingham Gate, Sheffield, S1 4JD.

To register for the audition workshop, or if you're interested in being part of the crew, please complete your information below. If you have any questions please email the Creative Team ( We ask that if you'd like to be part of the crew or a director, you still attend one of the sessions to meet with our team.

We will normally contact you by email to remind you of your audition around 24 hours your selected workshop date. But signed up, your workshop space is booked.
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Email *
Your name (first and last) *
Mobile Number *
Which audition workshop will you be attending? *
Auditions are workshop style, so no preparation is necessary
How would you like to be involved (tick all that apply)? 
It is possible to act in The Shorts and direct a different piece if that interests you.
Additional comments
If you would like to be part of the crew, let us know what you're interested in helping with here
Please note
By clicking submit, your details will be held on Google Drive, a cloud-based restricted drive accessed by the DGP Board, Creative Team, admin volunteers and production crew. They will be used for contacting you regarding this set of auditions, rehearsals and production and may also be printed or emailed by/to the parties mentioned previously for reference. We may also transfer the details to our mailing software/website to help with this process ( and share the information with Utopia Theatre. We’ll use your details to get in touch by phone or email throughout the auditions/rehearsals, and they will only be used to contact you about this production.

Presented by the Dilys Guite Players. The Dilys Guite Players Limited (594927) is a community theatre group and a registered charity (222587) | The Lantern, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield, S7 1NF
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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