Scholarship/Player Assistance Request Form
Region 214 has a scholarship program to help ensure that every child gets the chance to play AYSO, even those who may not be able to afford the cost of registration. We ask that every family contribute what they can. Please complete this form FOR EACH PLAYER within the appropriate registration timeline for consideration. 
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Adresă de e-mail *
Parent full name *
Player's full name *
Players DOB *
Registration amount you are able to contribute *
Reason for request *
Next steps
Thank you for submitting your application to AYSO 214's scholarship program.  Your application will be reviewed shortly by the scholarship committee and you will receive an e-mail notifying you regarding next steps.  All registration dates and information can be found at  If you have any questions regarding the scholarship program specifically, you can e-mail us at
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul AYSO Region 214. Raportează un abuz