Let's Get Ready To Ramble Student Discounts
We want to let LUC students know that you appreciate their business! Let us know what student discounts you offer and it will be displayed on our Neighborhood Initiatives webpage under "Let's Get Ready to Ramble Student Discounts" and it will be advertised on our annual flyer that is distributed to all incoming students. Please contact neighborhoodinitiatives@luc.edu if you have any questions.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
What is the name of your business? *
Is your business located within the Edgewater, Rogers Park or Gold Coast neighborhoods? *
What is the address of your business? *
What is your business's website? *
Describe the student discount your business offers. Is it only available on certain days? Do they need to show an ID to get it? *
Please list the best way we can contact you if we have any questions. *
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