Rollers Pool League Registration Form
Welcome to the Rollers Pool League!
Through this form, you can register as an individual for both singles and/or team leagues.
If you need more info about our leagues before registering, you can find it by visiting
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Full Name? *
What is your current Email Address? *
Please ensure that you add the domain to your email client's safe senders list so that you receive all of our updates
If you have a Fargo, what is your rating?
Assigning a Fargo rating that best represents your skill level is critical so that we can accurately handicap matches and maintain the integrity of the handicapping system.  A Fargo rating is a number between 0-900, and changes incrementally based upon your BCAPL league and tournament results.

To learn more about the FargoRate system, visit:  If you have an existing rating, you can search for your name there to find it.

If you don't have a rating, you can measure yourself accurately on your own by which level you can reliably sustain when using Bob Jewett and Dave Alciatore's Runout Drill System.
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