GetPsyched Blog - Committee Member Applications
Thank you for your interest in applying to the GetPsyched blog committee! We are so appreciative of the interest and have actually exceeding capacity for the committee, therefore we are NOT taking more applications at the moment. Are you still interested in contributing to the blog or being a stand-by committee member? Please contact Nida (Editor in Chief) for more information on how to be involved.

More about the blog: GetPsyched is a page run by students and executive members on the Guelph Psychology Society. It resides on the society’s website ( and is a blog-style, educational outlet for members of the psychology community at U of Guelph to share personal submissions of topics they are interested in and wish to share with others!

Qualifications: In order to be on the GetPsyched Committee, you must be an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph, with a major or minor in Psychology. This is NOT an executive position on the Society. If you have any questions about the committee or these qualifications please send your questions to Nida (

More information about this application:


- Head Writer (a few spots available): write 1-2 posts a month, often following a similar theme (past themes have included wellness, Co-op, psychological research, etc.). The choice of theme is up to you, but it should be beneficial to the Psychology student body in some way!
- Editor (a few spots available): help edit through submissions by our Head Writers and by other students that contribute to the blog, ensuring that the submissions align with the GetPsyched standards.
- Graphic Artist (1-2 spots available): create relevant artwork/visual elements to add to submitted blog posts
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