Teaching at Sage Hill Access Request 
Please fill out this form if you are an instructor at UCLA and would like to bring your students to Sage Hill. Sage Hill is managed by the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (IoES). Your response helps us coordinate hundreds of student visits each year so that this unique part of campus remains a valuable resource for research and teaching. If you are not a UCLA course instructor and want to access Sage Hill for other reason please use this form instead.  Questions? Please e-mail sagehill@g.ucla.edu. 
ඔබේ ප්‍රගතිය සුරැකීමට Google වෙත පුරන්න. තව දැන ගන්න
ඉ-තැපෑල *
Instructor's name *
Phone number *
Course Level *
Department, Course Number, Course Title *
Academic Quarter (e.g., Spring 2023)  *
Proposed Dates/Times of Visit (if known) *
Total number of students to visit Sage Hill *
Do any of your students have accessibility requirements you would like us to be aware of? 
What activities do you propose to have your students do at Sage Hill? (e.g. watch birds, measure plants, collect soil samples, landscape painting) *
Please provide any additional information that you believe is relevant to your course visit to Sage Hill. 
By clicking "Yes" below you agree to respond to follow-up communications from IoES staff and to abide by any guidelines they set forth for the use of Sage Hill. 
Sage Hill Access Map (download PDF Map)
ඔබේ ප්‍රතිචාරවල පිටපතක් ඔබ සපයන ලද ලිපිනයට ඊ-තැපැල් කරනු ඇත
සබිමිටි කරන්න
පෝරමය හිස් කරන්න
Google පෝරම හරහා කිසිදා මුරපද යොමු නොකරන්න.
මෙම පෝරමය Google Apps for UCLA හි ඇතුළත සාදන ලදී. අනිසි භාවිතය වාර්තා කිරීම