Hooked by Kati | Pattern Round Up Permissions
Over the next several months, Hooked by Kati will be featuring several "round ups" of patterns from a variety of designers. These round ups are a great way to show my readers awesome patterns that they may love, and in turn, get you some more traffic to your blog or sales of your patterns! By signing this form, you give me permission to use one photo from your blog post/pattern listing and put a link to your post/listing in the round up. This will be a link only -- never a full pattern! The goal is help my readers find YOU! 

Patterns can be free or paid! My customers like both. :) 

Share as many or as few patterns are you like. 

My audience is interested in:
* amigurumi 
* fantasy themes
* mythical creatures
* groovy home decor
* geeky/nerdy stuff (please, no trademarked characters or images)

I may not be able to use all of your patterns, but you may sign up for all future round ups by checking the box at the bottom of the form and I will look at your work first for the next set of round up posts. Ciao!

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Name *
Email address *
Blog/Shop name *
web address of main blog/shop *
There will be many round ups in the future at Hooked by Kati. 

If you like, you can give us permission to go through your website and find an appropriate pattern to link to for future Round Ups. This saves us both some time and gets you more views on a regular basis.

Check the box below to give me permission to use one photograph of your pattern from your blog and link back to your pattern in our Round up blog posts.
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