Beyond Self-Care for Therapist: A Mini Workshop by Mandd Fernando
As therapists and healers, we are often impacted by our clients and the people that we serve. Transference is a natural occurrence that happens between humans whenever we interact with each other, and sometimes, clients' thoughts, emotions and energies inevitably affect us as we continue to do this work. (Imagine cleaning a pot that is filled with grease using your hands–it's natural for your hands to be covered in grease too!) 

In this experiential workshop, let Mandd Fernando, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and dear member of A Space Between, guide you along a few of his favourite techniques on how to practice energy hygiene as a form of self-care and release any negativity that might be in us consciously or subconsciously. 

Date: 9 May 2024 (Thursday) 
Time: 6.30pm-8pm 
Where: Group Therapy Room
Minimum to start: 5 participants

Note: Tickets for this workshop is solely based on donations–there is no minimum amount required, but we encourage everyone to share a small token of appreciation to the speaker based on their comfort levels! :) 
(payment details will be shared to all participants after the workshop) 
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Will you be attending the workshop? *
What is your name? *
What is your contact number? *
What are you hoping to learn from this workshop? *
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