Dear BIZ Programme Participants,

We would like to give you all a warm welcome and cannot wait to start the green journey together!

After logging into the B2Match Platform and doing the interviews, the EU ECO-TANDEM will hold 3 Matchmaking events in Germany, Italy, and Slovakia in order to introduce you to your partner officially!

In this survey, we would like to know 2 things:
1. Which Matchmaking event you would like to attend? (you are free to attend more than one Matchmaking event)
2. Would you attend in remote or in presence? (Please note that the Matchmaking event in Italy will be hold in remote, the Matchmaking events in Germany and Slovakia will be hold in Hybrid)

We look forward to hearing back from you! If you have any problem feel free to reach out to your contact or send an email to , we will be replying as soon as possible!

Have a lovely day!

Faça login no Google para salvar o que você já preencheu. Saiba mais
Name of participant *
Company *
Who did you have your interview with? *
E-Mail *
Which Matchmaking event you would like to attend? (You are free to attend more than one event) *
If you are joining in Germany and Slovakia, will you be joining online or in person?
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How many people are joining the event from your company?
Thank you very much for your time! The EU ECO-TANDEM Team will reach out to you soon for the upcoming information!

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