How Yoga Changed My Life Podcast Potential Guest Information
Thanks for your interest in sharing your Yoga story with us! Please complete the following application. All submissions will be reviewed and you will receive an email by the next Sunday.
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Full Name *
Cell *
Email Address *
Mailing Address *
Are you local to SATX? *
Would you rather do an in person interview or remote? *
Please select all that generally fit with your schedule for an interview:  *
Are you a Yoga Teacher? *
If you are a Yoga Teacher, where did you get your certification? If no, please answer n/a *
If you are a Yoga Teacher, where do you currently teach? If no, please answer n/a *
What inspired you to want to be a guest on our podcast? *
How did Yoga change your life? *
Do you follow and listen our podcast? *
Any other information you want to share with us: *
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