The present document compromises of a number of question which can give the internal team a base to understand the prospect's project.
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Tell us about your business, including its history, size, products and service offering.

Marketing team

Tell us about your wider marketing and digital marketing activities currently. Who manages what and how big is the team?

External support

Do you work with any other agencies or freelancers on any elements of marketing or PR strategy or execution at the moment?

Industries & Personas

What are the main industry verticals that you target, and which personas make up the decision making unit within your customers?


Which companies are your top 3 competitors?

International Targeting

Do you operate only in one geographic market, or are you looking to acquire traffic and leads from multiple countries or regions globally?
B2B Buyer Journey

Tell us about your buyer journey currently. How does a prospect go from first discovering you through to being a customer? How long does a typical sales cycle take?
Website & CMS

Tell us about your current website and technology or CMS framework it is built on? When was it last redesigned/developed, and are there any plans to redesign it in future? ?  If we had technical changes that needed to be made from a SEO angle, do you have a developer that would implement these? Do you have any microsites or other domains we need to consider?
PPC Knowledge

How familiar are you and your company’s marketing team with PPC?

PPC Creatives

Would your planned channels require image/video based creatives?

Do you have capacity to supply image/video based creatives if needed?

PPC Objectives

What are your objectives from looking to engage with a PPC agency? What KPIs will you be measuring internally and how will you be measuring them?

If you have multiple KPIs, can you rank these in priority order?

Would these KPIs vary across planned paid channels?

How soon would you expect to see measurable results against these KPIs?

PPC Priorities

Are there particular areas of your business, particular products/solutions or particular geographic markets that you want to focus on using PPC?

Keyword Research

Have you conducted any keyword research that you can share with us? 

If not, what do you think are relevant keywords/search terms/queries a prospective customer might use to find you?

What kind of topics will a prospective customer be researching that you would want to appear for?

Analytics, Data & Attribution

Can you share access to your Google Analytics & other relevant paid accounts (e.g. Google Ads) to analytics@poweredbyelevate.net? We’re happy to sign a mutual NDA if needed.

PPC Budget

Approximately how much are you planning to invest monthly through PPC?

If you’ve run PPC historically, approximately how much were you spending each month?

If you were planning on running multiple channels, approximately what % of budget do you plan to invest through each channel?

Next steps & timelines

What are the next steps in terms of discussions with agencies, pitches etc? What are your intended timelines?

If you’re looking for help preparing your PPC brief or have any questions, feel free to get in touch by emailing Luca at luca.caruso@poweredbyelevate.net - we would be happy to help.

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