Asbury Talent Show 2024
All students auditionig for the talent show must have either a virtual or paper copy of this permission slip on file.
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Student's name *
Student's grade level *
My student acknowledges that their act may not make the Talent Show, and that is okay! We tried our very best and will still get to showcase our act in Music on Monday March 18th or Wednesday March 20th. *
If my student's act makes the Talent Show, they are available to make 2 or 3 after school rehearsal from 2:40-3:45 on: *
Category of performance *
If my student's act makes the Talent Show, they will be able to perform it in both shows (during the school day and at 5:00pm) on March 21st. *
Parent/Guardian name and best phone number to reach you between 2:40 and 4:00 pm. Please add this as acknowledgement to the commitment of auditioning for and potentially performing in the Asbury 2024 Talent Show. *
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