Dropship order form

Dear Customer,

From Wednesday 1st July we will be moving all our selected customers to the Tara Group drop shipment portal. This in response to the very positive reaction we have received from those who are already trialling it. As one of our trial customers you will now have full access to our service and will be able to enjoy the benefits that this service provides to you and your customers.

We are monitoring your feedback closely and are making changes and improvements all the time as you would expect from a trial process. So please keep us informed with how you are managing and negotiating the system.

We want it to be as smooth and intuitive as possible. If there are any further improvements that you believe can be made please let us know at dropshipping@taragroup.ie. Recent improvements in packaging have already been made based on your feedback.

The benefits of using the drop shipment service are many. These include less handling by yourselves, quick delivery direct to your customers’ house, access to live stock levels and a tangible competitive advantage.

On Wednesday 1st July you will be switched to the drop shipment system for trial and this means that you will no longer be able to place orders on the Google form as you have been doing. The drop shipment process will supersede this way of ordering now. All orders must be placed on the drop shipment portal. Simply log into the wholesale website as normal and click the dropship link in your 'My Account' page.

Click in the link below to access the step by step drop shipment order placement guide.


You will now be able to enjoy all the benefits that drop shipping will provide you with. The hassle free, customer focused service which will allow you time to focus on other areas of your business knowing that your logistics service is working hard for you and your customers.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

Tara Group
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