Board/Committee Member Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of the Whale Foundation! It means a lot to our community.

Our mission is to restore, promote, and celebrate the well-being of the Grand Canyon river guiding community.

Your application will be reviewed by our present board, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. Feel free to email us with any questions for the Executive Director, Sam Jansen at or the Board President, Melissa McMaster at
Name *
Email *
Address *
Mobile Number *
Are you a guide currently? *
Describe your connections to the Grand Canyon guiding community. *
Do you have any experience on a board or directors, work group, or task force? If so, please briefly describe your experience.  *
Do you have particular skills, experiences, interests or attributes that you feel would be useful to the Whale Foundation?  *
The Whale Foundation board is an active, working board as opposed to an advisory board. You would be committed to attending and participating in regular board and committee meetings and have associated responsibilities and tasks. Can you briefly explain how you intend to fulfill this commitment?
Anything you would like to add?
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