Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in the Balkans
Visit Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia - states of the former Yugoslavia which share a common language but have been riven by nationalist hatreds - with Dr. Thor Sawin and explore topics of language and peace/hatred, human rights, and peacebuilding processes in many different domains.

PROGRAM DATES: March 18- 26, 2023 (Spring Break)
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What is your program at Middlebury (the Institute or the College)? *
What is your Current Semester at MIIS or Middlebury
What experiences have you had with overseas travel - especially traveling as a group with diverse perspectives and needs?
Do you have any personal or professional connections to Southeastern Europe?  If so, what are they?
This trip will be partly supported through the Kathryn Wasserman-Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation.   In what way do your career goals relate to conflict transformation, and how do you see a course focusing on conflict transformation, language, and nationalism helping with these career goals?
What is the name of an Institute or College professor whom we could contact as a reference for your participation in this course? *
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