New England Junket 2023 Registration

We are delighted that you'd like to attend the New England Junket 2023 on the Maine coast, September 2-4, 2023! And/or the sailing in company from Stockton Springs, August 30-September 1, 2023.
There is no cost for this gathering of friends who are interested in Junk Rig.
Registration is to help us keep track of who is coming when, and how to reach you. This information is shared only with junket hosts. In the interest of reducing the burden on hosts, we are trying out this form. Please feel free to pass it on to friends who might like to join us. Thank you!
For more information, contact
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Email *
Your name
cell phone… This will help us reach you if there are changes in plan, especially during the junket itself.
(This number is never shared, unless with your permission in order to facilitate communication among junket attendees.)
Your boat name (if you don't have a boat that's okay too!)
Your boat description: length, beam, draft
Will your boat be arriving by water or trailer?
How many in your crew/travel group? Could you please tell us their names?
Please have each adult in your group do their own registration, so we know how to reach everybody. Many thanks!
Especially if you are traveling solo, would you like to let us know an emergency contact, or the holder of your float plan? This information will NOT be shared or used, except in case of emergency.
dates you plan to attend (please check all that apply)
Any additional notes about when you are planning to be here?
If coming for multiple days, where will you plan to stay?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
I understand that the New England Junket is a gathering of friends interested in Junk Rig sailboats. There is no charge, and I accept full responsibility for my own well-being and decisions, on land and on the water.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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