Running Club Waiver
By filling in the following information, you  agree to give permission for your 3rd-5th grader to participate in
Monarch Elementary's Running Club for the school year 2019-2020
The undersigned parent or guardian assumes all risks in connection with the student’s
participation in the Running Club. I (we) hereby release and discharge the South Carolina State
PTA, all PTA officers, employees and agents of Monarch Elementary from all liability, claims or
demands for any damage, loss or injury to the student, the student’s property, or parent’s
property in connection with participation in this activity, unless caused by the negligence of the

I do hereby certify that to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief said minor is in good health.
In case of illness or accident, permission is granted for emergency treatment to be administered.
It is further understood and agreed that the undersigned will assume full responsibility for any
such action, including payment of costs.

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