Lesson 19: A talk video, and the final quiz Quiz
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Which timing is recommended for spreading compost, for successful growth all year and every year?
1 point
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Why do compost heaps need slatted sides?
1 point
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Which answer describes the difference(s) between annual and perennial weeds? Choose the answer which covers the most aspects.
1 point
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Which is the most important factor to consider when deciding how to orientate your beds and paths? Choose the answer which covers the most aspects.
1 point
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In the preceding question, when would the correct answer have been incorrect? Choose the answer which covers most aspects.
1 point
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Second plantings in summer always need some extra compost before they go in the ground. True or false?
1 point
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With no dig, how is it possible to achieve 100% clearance of most perennial weeds?
1 point
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Which approach to weeding is recommended in this course?
1 point
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How long would you need to wait before sowing or planting, after you laid cardboard then spread 4–6 in (10–15 cm) of compost on top of a thick mat of weeds?
1 point
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Choose the only one of these statements which does not define the difference between soil (topsoil) and compost, as described in lesson 15.
1 point
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Why might the four year rotation be less relevant in no dig gardening as described in this course, compared to gardening in dug or tilled soil? Choose the answer which covers the most aspects.
1 point
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Soil fertility and successful growth – what determines how plants grow? Choose the incorrect statement.
1 point
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Why do you think that water drains more quickly through undisturbed, no dig soil with a mulch of organic matter? Choose the answer which covers the most aspects.
1 point
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Which are the best widths for paths and beds respectively? Choose the answer which covers the most aspects.
1 point
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Which answer best describes a soil type which is no good for no dig?
1 point
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Which of these are important for decomposing organic matter? Choose the answer which covers the most aspects.
1 point
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With no dig, why might year one be different to subsequent years? Choose the answer which covers most aspects.
1 point
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You can make fine compost without the heap temperature rising above 40°C/104°F. True or false?
1 point
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