Village of Lewiston Recreation - Family Gym
Village of Lewiston Recreation
Address: 145 N. 4th Street, Lewiston, NY 14092
Contact us at (716) 754-1990 or

Family gym is open for families to utilize our gymnasium space to play.  Please feel free to bring your own play equipment or borrow basketballs or soccer balls from us.  All equipment is sanitized between usage.
Time slots are available in 45 minute increments
Registration is required for gym time available on the Recreation website
This program is meant for families with kids in 8th grade and younger.

Release of Liability:
In consideration of permitting the below-named child to participate in games, practices, and other activities of the Village of Lewiston Recreation Department, I, the undersigned as parent or guardian of said minor, do hereby release and agree to hold harmless the Village of Lewiston Recreation Department and its said agents, employees, coaches and volunteers from any liability for bodily injury, personal injury or property damage which may occur to said minor on the part of said program or its agents, employees, coaches and volunteers related to this program.
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Select one time slot per day. If no time slots appear in the drop down, it means that all slots have been taken for this day.  In that case, please select a time slot on a different day. *
Last Name *
First Name *
Street Address *
Town *
Zip *
Full Names of Children and Adults who will be present *
Phone Number *
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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